This Grilled Haddock Sandwich makes the perfect lunch or dinner and is full of flavor! Making haddock on the grill is quick and easy,...
This Toasted Caprese Garlic Bread is made with hints of garlic and topped with ripe tomatoes, fresh basil, and creamy mozzarella cheese! Today we’re...
Filled with tender chicken, tangy barbecue sauce, and Mozzarella cheese, this Barbecue Chicken Pita Pizza is the perfect option for when hunger strikes! Let’s...
A big thank you to BAILEYS® Coffee Creamers for sponsoring this post. As always, all opinions expressed here are my own. Thank you for...
Full of melty cheese and packed with flavor, these Baked Mozzarella Sticks are healthier than the fried kind and perfect to satisfy the munchies!...
Light, flaky, and seasoned to perfection, this Baked Garlic Lemon Salmon is ready in less than 20 minutes and serves as a healthy meal! Recipe...