These Mini Chocolate Chip Cupcakes are studded with milk chocolate chips and topped with a sweet vanilla frosting. Light, fluffy, and bursting with flavor, these mini...
This One Pan Chicken and Mushroom Parmesan Rice is perfect for busy weeknights. Just a few simple ingredients is all it takes for this...
If you’re looking for a new favorite recipe, this Asparagus and Mushroom Quinoa Bowl will become a regular in your meal rotation. Hearty quinoa...
These Chocolate Cherry Granola Cups are the perfect bite for when you want something sweet. Smooth dark chocolate and creamy white chocolate cups are...
Loaded with pizza sauce, gooey mozzarella cheese, and pepperoni, these Pizza Potato Skins are the perfect game day appetizer. Use any pizza toppings you...
Packed with roasted almonds, sweet honey and splash of coconut oil, this Homemade Almond Butter is smooth, creamy, and oh-so delicious. It’s paleo, gluten-free,...