This One Pan Pizza Pasta contains all of the classic pizza flavors packed into a one pan meal that is sure to satisfy your cravings....
This Chicken Asparagus Soup is hearty, comforting, and loaded with spring flavors. Tender chicken and asparagus make a delicious combination for a savory, homemade...
Crunchy Peanut Butter Cookies are crispy, crunchy and delicious. Simple to make and full of flavor, these cookies make the best peanut butter treat!...
Instant Pot Steak Fajitas are a quick and easy recipe that’s perfect for busy weeknights. With just a handful of ingredients, this flavorful dish...
Creamy Tuscan Chicken is an easy, one pan recipe that’s ready in 25 minutes. Featuring a creamy, garlic Parmesan sauce, spinach, and fresh tomatoes,...
Jelly Donut Cupcakes taste just like your favorite pastry, but in cupcake form. Soft and fluffy cupcakes are studded with strawberry jam and topped...