Sheet Pan Sausage and Gnocchi is a simple, one pan meal that’s ready in just 30 minutes. Smoked sausage, tender gnocchi, broccoli, and mushrooms...
Pumpkin Alfredo Pasta is smooth, creamy, and ready in just 20 minutes. Featuring a silky pumpkin sauce with cozy spices, you’ll love this simple...
These Baked Ranch Mushrooms are an easy, five ingredient side dish that’s loaded with flavor. Fresh mushrooms are tossed in a combination of olive...
This Tuscan Chicken Mac and Cheese is a simple, one pot dinner that’s packed with creamy deliciousness. Tender, juicy chicken is tossed in a...
These easy Pumpkin Patch Dirt Cups are a fun dessert that’s perfect for the season. Layers of chocolate pudding and crushed Oreos are topped...
This Creamy Pork Tenderloin is tender, flavorful, and ready in less than an hour. With savory seasonings and a simple cream sauce, this easy...