BBQ Chicken Legs are oven-baked, juicy, and loaded with flavor. Topped with a simple seasoning blend and tangy bbq sauce, this easy chicken recipe...
Slow Cooker French Dip Sandwiches are savory, comforting and so easy to make. With tender beef, melted cheese and a side of au jus...
Air Fryer Banana Bread is soft, moist, and ready in just 40 minutes. Loaded with flavor and made into mini loaves, this classic bread...
Microwave Mug Omelet is an easy breakfast that’s ready in just minutes. Healthier, packed with protein, and easy to customize, this simple recipe is...
Garlic Lemon Tilapia is an easy, one pan dish that’s ready in just 20 minutes. Featuring a blend of melted butter, garlic and lemon,...
Garlic Parmesan Potatoes crisp up beautifully when cooked in an air fryer! Air fryer roast potatoes pair nicely with chicken, pork, burgers, and more!...